Tuesday, December 25, 2007


For IF: Hiding behind layers of leaves, layers of masks....

This is not a self-portrait, but it is close. Sometimes I am an invisible woman. This is a portrait of her.


Cynthia DiBlasi - Fine Art said...

Your work is stunning. I love the feeling it evokes. This particular piece reminds me of someone searching, with obstacles obstructing their path. I am also a fan of dream symbolism and images. I used to incorporate that into my work, and I'm inspired to get back to that!

k.h.whitaker said...

this is really beautiful

Fallingladies said...

I really love this, It's very much like something I wish I did or would do, but in your own style...

Linda Hensley said...

Very nice!

Dayle's Painted Diary-Dayle Dodwell said...

I love the thought and the beauty.

Indigene said...

Incredibly beautiful and symbolic! Your work always addresses the feminine mystic and archetypes. I am continually amazed and that's a wonderful thing!