Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Green Willow 3

'Before the fire sat the good old man of the house, and the two old people didthe very best they could for Tomodata."


Willie Baronet said...

What a wonderful expression! Nice work.

San said...

mysterious. very nice.

Brine Blank said...

Nice subtle effects going on here...very soft...I wonder what a version would look like with the values really ramped up?

eyecontact said...

Eerily dreamlike. Makes the viewer feel something almost unconscious.

Lynette said...

Thank you all! Brine, I mess with these quite a bit in Photoshop before I print them, so the final version has a lot more contrast. Sometimes I have a hard time predicting how things will look when published on the blog. good comment, though!

Anonymous said...

Really beautiful with a lot of atmosphere!