A friend asked me to do a painting about waiting. I made all sorts of elaborate sketches, and these guys were in the background of one of them. I finally gave up of the topic; none of the sketches worked. But I liked these men and painted them. We decided that this image worked for the topic after all.
It works really well!! I love your concept of "waiting" though - the coat room/closet somehow gives a sense of waiting to me. Great job!
wonderful concept and art!
beautiful work
This has a haunting, dreamlike quality... lovely.
brilliant! love it!
It's wonderful. Great expressions!
turned out wonderfully well!
This is a wonderful concept. Great illustration!
This painting contains both posthuman and Marxist elements. The posthuman elements seem obvious in that human beings would not be hung in a closet or have plants growing from them. You have stated that these men represent “waiting,” I see it as an example of the fear of Marxism and a capitalist takeover. They are wearing suits and it seems as if their entire lives are wrapped up in their work and when they aren’t at work, or in the “off season” they are simply hung up and forgotten. It sent me the message that work is all that matters and that without it their lives are put on hold, and just as an old building begins to grow moss, they start to grow plants from their backs when they aren’t being put to use by “the man.”
Brooke Johnson
Popular Culture MWF 10-10:50am
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