Friday, February 25, 2011

A Murder of Crows

For IF: The crows swarmed around the door, which was a portal to the other dimension.


Mindful Drawing said...


Coreopsis said...

This is a really interesting idea. I kindof cheated by posting the picture I made last night before this prompt was made. Now I might need to make another picture. I think I'm going to steal your idea (I'm just telling you), though I promise it won't look anything like this.

This is really beautiful!

Lynette said...

Can't wait to see it!

Brine Blank said...

Nice movement with this!

Indigene said...

Wonderful strong imagery!

Birds have been occupying my dreams of late...I have to find out what that means! :)

Melissa Mackie said...


MrBibleHead said...

Nice one Lynette! Love the angle and the tone!! Cool!

studio lolo said...

really wonderful movement. And crows!! My totem animal, my compadres.

Very nice ;)

hahaha! The word verification is flattery!
Well, it's very much deserved!

Vilt og vakkert said...

A magic illustration.... and I was sitting 100 cm away from a huge crow on Thursday at Teno mountain on Tenerife/canary island. That was magic, too!

I missed last IF post because of my holiday there.
Have a nice week ;:OD)

Lynette said...

Thanks! I hope you got a picture of that crow; they are really hard to get. They always fly when they see my camera.

Love the title of your blog!

Anonymous said...

the movement!!
love how you've captured us all with it.