I just realized that at my school, and I suppose at other schools as well, we refer to grad students as just "grads". Isn't that odd sounding? In my case, it probably means gradual! I've also been tallying up my credits and looking at my GPA's. I had a 4.0 in my undergrad credits here. Sheesh. These people are easy graders : ) The joke is that I teach "here" now, and am indeed, an easy grader! My grad record isn't quite as good, to be sure.
Anyway, it looks like I have 15 credits to go and I will be a bona fide MFA. The current quilt is coming along, despite many technical problems this spring. I have almost half of the plates made and printed at least once, and one set is nearly colored as well. I'm starting to think abut cutting paper for the quilting, and piecing at least a few blocks for our final crit. The biggest question right now is how to go about the next quilting session. The last one was fun, but I don't think I handled it right. It was too physically demanding for the sewers (there must be a better term!) and I think I need to do more, as Morgan suggested in our last crit, to identify why I am bringing these particular groups together and to figure out a payoff for the sewers. I have some ideas, but no stunners, except maybe asking people to quilt two blocks, and then the group could keep one and I keep one. I'm also wondering if I should go small scale, and visit with smaller groups or individuals to quilt a block or two at a time. I think coming up with a way to document the sewing experience would be good, and I might be more comfortable doing that in smaller groups, at least at first. Maybe the solution is, like in so many things, to let the project grow.