Friday, August 30, 2019

Stone library shelf

Well, it was a busy week. The first week of school always is, but in addition, we finally got the litho stones moved into my classroom (yay for Planet Fitness!) and we settled on a design for the shelving unit that will house them. We have 28 stones, and the unit will hold 27 of them. The last one, (named Jabba because it is so big), will have to stay on the cart it has lived on for years.
    This is a CAD drawing of the design, made by our student assistant Joel.

 My colleague and Joel designed it, and I think it will be really strong. This shows the metal frame that will be mostly welded together. In addition, there will be plywood shelving on top of the horizontal bars. There will be three sets of these units, and they will be stacked in a corner of my classroom.
    Joel is the same student who asked me, "But what is it, really?" about the grid for an ellipse a few semesters back. He is also the one who 3D printed the torus knot for me so that I could figure out how to draw it. This time, he figured out how to keep the stress of the heavy stones on the metal structure, instead of expecting the plywood not to sag under their weight. I reckon our average stone weighs about 30 lbs, so multiplied by nine for each shelf is quite a load. It's nice to hang around with smart people :)
    I think we are just about ready to start graining stones.

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