Thursday, June 24, 2021

Two new ones

'Yes, I'm actually starting two paintings. At once. It'll probably take me a year to get them done. Shall we take bets?

 These are the life size scans I'm using to transfer the images to canvas. I'm so lazy. In the past, I would have gridded the whole thing out and transferred the drawing square by square. I let Photoshop do the the walking on this one. This is a real size version of the thumbnail in my sketchbook.

     When my beautiful son, who is right now setting sail on the path of his dream, was a youngster, we shared a bathroom. So every morning before school, we had a moment at the mirror. Now that he is off and running, those moments are becoming more precious. 

This one will be a bit of a repeat, because I loaned this painting out and probably won't get it back. So, I'm going to do it again, but take the opportunity to re-work the faces and colors. Again, I am grateful to Photoshop, because I'd just as soon not have to figure out all of the perspective again.


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