Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Litho News: Etching Chart


       Ta Da! My etching chart! The numbers at the top refer to the hardness of the crayon used to draw the column. Number 5 is the hardest and lightest and 00 is the softest. They vary because of their grease content, I think. #0 and #00 are a different brand of crayon from the others, which accounts for the abrupt shift from #2 to #0.
    The gradations looked pretty good to me when I took this pic, but now that I'm home and can't look at the stone directly, I'm not so sure. I guess I'll find out tomorrow. If anything, the top values are a bit too dark. But I swear, I was barely breathing on the stone with those crayons. I think it is mostly the photo balance here, and also because the stone itself is beige. So, the gradations might be less noticeable in this photo because the lens is picking up and blending in the color of the stone. I hope. Because going lighter is a no hoper.
      I also got the etchants measured and mixed. The strongest ones will etch the darkest values. 
      Next, I have to mix my roll-up ink. I don't have exactly the two kinds of ink I need, so I suppose I'll have to fly by the seat of my pants a bit. What else is new?

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